Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Steve Jobs Digital Garden


Known best as a visionary Steve Jobs amazed us with his innovation and devotion.

Our World today was grown in
Steve's Digital Garden.

He has been compared to some of the greatest minds in history like Galileo and Albert Einstein who have forever influenced our people and lifestyles.

Driven by opportunity and imagination Steve Jobs saw it possible what never was before at only 20 years old. An ambitious Steve Wonziak and Steve Jobs Co-Founded Apple Computers from their parents garage, they imagined our future to be as it is today.
This dynamic duo dreamed to take technology from laboratories to all people and all places.

Steve Jobs was best known for his Macintosh Computer and founding Apple in 1976. Since then Apple grew explosively with Steve's talent and imagination. In the 80's at 30 yrs old Apple's power struggle left Steve out of the company.

After Apple he was devastated, but nonetheless inspired. He moved on to start his new company Next and later developed Pixar Animation Studios. At Pixar he revolutionized our imaginations and dreams today. Later when Apple bought Next in 1996 Steve was back at Apple. He created artistic and powerful products and stores that no one had ever seen before. Impressive would be an understatement for a man so driven forth to change and move our worlds perceptions and aspirations. Simply said, Steve believed in possibilities.

Steve invented the first successful personal computer in 1977, the mac in 1984, the next computer 1985, the cube 2000, the iPod 2000, MacBook in 2006, the iPhone in 2007, and the iPad tablet. The iPad can be a TV, radio, camera, toy, cash register, notepad, book, or a million other things. To look at his early days, Steve was always reinventing what he had created. An innovator by nature Steve believed Apple's brightest days were ahead.

"People don't know what they want until you show it to them" - Steve Jobs

Steve invented 

the first successful 
personal computer (1977)

the mac (1984)

next computer (1985)

the cube (2000)

iPod (2001)

MacBook (2006)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Amateur Scientists can now work with NASA and Keplar Data to Discover New Planets

NASA Kepler and Fermie Research

Exoplanets - NASA's search for other planets like earth, maybe even life. Making History is a first time opportunity for citizens to work with NASA and Kepler mission survey data. Aiding the search to find other planets like earth. This Opportunity is for looking a bit more fine-tuned into the mass of data from NASA's survey missions.

Your efforts are welcomed because of the overwhelming amount of data, and the fact that people are likely to discover planets that the technology used may sometimes overlook. Many discoveries have already happened, citizens scientists are welcomed to work with NASA and

Astronomers now have some details of an exotic nearby alien planet.

The exoplanet, called 55 Cancri e, is 60 percent larger in diameter than Earth but eight times as massive, researchers revealed. That makes the alien world the densest solid planet known. NASA's infrared Spitzer Space Telescope spotted light from the alien planet 55 Cancri e which orbits in a nearby solar system 41 light yrs away.

NASA pursuing space exploration and research makes history again. Until now scientists have never managed to detect the infrared light from the super-Earth world.

Spitzer program scientist Bill Danch of NASA headquarters in Washington in a statement "The spacecraft is pioneering the study of atmospheres of distant planets and paving the way for NASA's upcoming James Webb Space Telescope to apply a similar technique on
potentially habitable planets."

Spitzer first detected infrared light from an alien planet in 2005. But that world was a hot Jupiter a gas giant planet much larger than 55 Cancri e that orbited extremely close to its parent star. Spitzer's view of the 55 Cancri e is the first time the light from a rocky super-Earth type planet has been seen, researchers said. Since the discovery of 55 Cancri e, astronomers have pinned down increasingly strange features about the planet. The researchers already knew it was part of an alien solar system containing five exoplanets centered on the star 55 Cancri in the constellation Cancer (The Crab).

How to see our Universe through Gamma Rays 2012

NASA's Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope detected almost 500 sources of gamma ray emitting objects in its field of view. But the sources for more then 30% of them are completely unknown. Black holes and neutron stars emit gamma rays, the rest we've yet to imagine.