Today the Internet of Things (IoT) connects people all around the world. We use it to connect, share knowledge, and make the world more convenient. As our world continues to grow, the IoT continues to connect more businesses, schools, and people making our world more interactive. Smart devices can help hospitals run smoothly, secure our homes, and help us achieve a more sustainable world. However, wherever a device is connected to the IoT, there exists a possible cyber attack vector. There are many different IoT vulnerabilities present in the internet of things (IoT) today. Cyber warfare or cyber attacks against devices and infrastructure are becoming commonplace in our world today. In addition, attacks against networks, devices, and companies can be difficult to protect against in real-time. Having a security plan including; system backups, raid for system restores, and emergency response are essential for businesses today. Loss due to natural disasters or cybercrime is a real-world risk for most businesses. Cyber attacks often are found to be zero-day exploits, this is a situation where a previously unknown attack vector or application flaw is found and taken advantage of. Viruses, bots, and malware can become embedded in systems software and consumer applications as well. Occasionally, some successful attacks can go unnoticed for months or years and even bypass known antivirus software.
Infamous Attack Vectors Include:
Viruses: A type of computer program that can replicate and spread to other devices.
Malware: Software that can be embedded or hidden in other applications.
Worms: Computer malware that can be spread easily throughout computer networks.
Trojan Horse: This is a type of malware that misleads or misrepresents itself causing confusion or harm to computer users.
Remote Access: A way for back actors or cyber attackers to gain access to a network or computing systems
Passwords Hacking: A way for back actors or cyber attackers to gain access to personal data, credentials, and sensitive assets.
Open Ports: Many infamous attacks have been executed because a certain port or driver is not secured against zero-day attacks.
Unsecured Networks: Malware and bot networks can spread via consumer and business networks.
Unsecured Systems Controls: Infamous viruses have been used against systems that never reset default passwords for system users.
Computing Systems Without Backups: No entity or business relying on computing systems is safe without having a backup system restores and security protocols at hand.
Computing systems, networks, and personal devices are subject to a diverse variety of attacks every day. Websites hosting personal, medical, educational, research, corporate and financial data are frequently attacked. In 2021 there was a 50% increase in attacks on corporate networks when compared to data in 2020. In the United States many government agency websites, U.S. financial systems, educators, and vaccine companies have been especially hard hit by several of these attacks vectors since the pandemic began. It is estimated that North Korea stole over $500 million dollars in assets alone in 2022, and that’s just one of the harmful entities well-known on the cyber security field today.
The Stuxnet virus was a worm/trojan horse that resembled a virus because it could become embedded in systems and software. It infiltrated a nuclear facility causing malfunctioning equipment. Stuxnet was able to discover the proper computers it was targeting while evading detection and used 7 distinct mechanisms to spread to new computers. This virus also took advantage of back doors or software flaws that were unknown to developers at that time.
Stuxnet virus was also able to copy itself to open file shares and automatically propagate to connected computers while looking for software to attack. It looked for breaches in the windows RPC service via Window's print spooler service as well. It was also able to log into the centrifuge monitoring system (Siemans controller chair) by using the default software admin login that was not remembered or acknowledged by the operator of the system at that time. The operator should have set up the system by disabling such default passwords and creating a new one. This was caused by an attack vector of: breach via thumb drive.
Everyday traders may earn profits by exchanging various currencies and cryptocurrencies across the world on trading platforms. Live trading takes place on many different cryptocurrency exchanges like and all these exchanges and transactions happen simultaneously around the world. The values different currencies tend to move up and down as the markets fluctuate. Daily market pricing variations are due to daily buying and selling market trends in cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. Cryptocurrency variations can be due to many happenings like news releasing new information about the progress of a specific project or coin development, revenue reports, world events like war or politics may have a larger and more dramatic effect across trading boards.
An experienced trader may view price variations as an opportunity to buy and sell at a profit, in other words changes in the values of crypto’s and fiat currencies can easily open up new investment opportunities for traders. The effect of pricing variations is usually reflected across trading platforms around the world in real time. Everyday traders worldwide are looking to buy and sell currencies to make profits on cryptocurrency exchange and fiat currency exchanges.
Bitcoin was the world's first successfully implemented cryptocurrency. It is used most commonly for financial transactions of sending and receiving money and for cryptocurrency trading. Everyday Bitcoin holds top cash volumes for trading on almost all major exchanges around the world. ALT-COINS or newer alternative cryptocurrency projects are constantly being proposed and developed everyday. Alternative coins are designed for most of the same purposes, like sending and receiving electronic currencies throughout the world. With cryptocurrencies you can send money to and from various platforms and applications with ease, alternative coins are widely used for worldwide payment systems and trading. Some newer altcoins offer many enhanced features and capabilities.
Once you have purchased cryptocurrency from a safe and secure site like you can send that cryptocurrency to any exchange platform of your choice for trading. It is recommended to start by purchasing a fairly stable coin like bitcoin, litecoin, or ethereum to begin. Before buying any cryptocurrency always do the proper research on the company that issues the coin to see what their about, who works on their team and if it seems like a legitimate developer, you can check their white paper to see what their plans are and how they intend on achieving those goals. While all cryptocurrencies can show volatility at times, certain coins have a far wider community base to help support them.
As a new trader, if you have opened and funded an exchange account you may want to pick a few ALT-COINS to begin trading in a bitcoin pair or pick one of the coins listed to trade against U.S. Dollars. Currency exchanges feature exchange boards with listing pairings available for trade, on these boards are shown different combinations of currencies and cryptocurrencies. This is done by pairing two currencies with abbreviated titles on trading ledgers. Trading happens in real time allowing investors to monitor their portfolios anytime day or night.
Examples: Trading Platform Ledgers For Currency Pairs
U.S. Dollars / Bitcoin Exchange USD/BTC
U.S. Dollars / Ethereum Exchange USD/ETH
Bitcoin / Ethereum Exchange BTC/ETH
Bitcoin / LiteCoin Exchange BTC/LTC
With an exchange account you will see options to buy and sell cryptocurrencies in exchange for other fiat currencies. Fiat currencies are physical currencies like the U.S. Dollar and the European Euro. Bitcoin can usually be exchanged across all trading boards on cryptocurrency exchanges alongside thousands of other alternative coins listed for exchange, each exchange tends to offer a different variety that they support. It is important to know that different exchanges may be more secure than others, two of the best .
Pricing of fiat currencies will fluctuate over time as well due to the strengths of economies. Likewise when a European Euro is exchanged for a U.S. Dollar the exchange rate will differ over time depending upon the economic strength of the currency issuer. Prices for all fiat currencies, commodities, electronic funds, stock markets, and cryptocurrency exchanges tend to vary over time.
On most trading platforms you will be able to create a limit buy or sell order, this will allow you to choose a desired rate of trade for each pairing. Another option on some exchanges will let you place a market rate buy or sell order to sell at the current market price. A Stop-limit is designed to offer security and to sell your asset if it drops a certain price range to prevent losses, for heavier investors using stop limit may be advised to protect your investment. A stop limit can protect your assets from severe losses during volatile market events, it can also sell your assets at less than you paid for it so be careful. Some trading strategies involve buying and holding cryptocurrencies for a long term time periods in hopes that the value will rise. Spot trading is live market trading, a technique used by investors to make quick trades for profits.
Cryptocurrency trading markets are ever expanding. Today we see new virtual currency trading exchanges opening up daily. New ventures and developments of alternative coins will continue adding to the possibilities and capabilities of blockchain technologies From these new developments we will see new data archiving solutions. These new opportunities present new investment strategies. Cryptocurrencies are currently revolutionizing out banking and investments systems by stabilizing and simplifying the movement of money throughout the world.
If your interested in mining cryptocurrencies instead of directly purchasing them, consider joining a cloud mining site. Use this complementary 3% off promo code to purchase hash power and join us with the worlds most innovative cloud mining company.
A Beginners Guide To Bitcoin

A Beginners Guide To Bitcoin
by JLC
Are you new to the world of cryptocurrencies? If so, you may be wondering what is bitcoin and how does bitcoin function in a highly competitive global economy today? This guide is written for those who know little or nothing about bitcoin. With the information provided here you will be empowered with the most fascinating and fundamental aspects of cryptocurrency design, use and infrastructure. This powerful knowledge will allow you to forever understand the greatest revolution that we call cryptocurrencies in the twenty first century. We hope you follow along and enjoy this guide.
The History of Bitcoin
The design of bitcoin is simple and beautiful, a peer to peer electronic currency system delivered to the world. It requires no permissions, it has no single governing authority, it runs simply on a decentralized network and by this bitcoin is run by the world. The first genesis block of bitcoin was mined by Satoshi Nakamoto on January 3rd, 2009. Stored inside the genesis block was a statement warning of the instability of traditional fractional reserve banking systems. Since then blockchain mining has been continued and adopted by the world. The list of innovations created since is almost limitless and includes: initial coin offerings, alternative coin projects, new blockchain technologies, worldwide speculation, cryptocurrency exchanges and a more recent explosion of related interest. An inquisitive mind might wonder how much of this did Satoshi Nakamoto foresee?
Who Is Satoshi Nakamoto?
Before traveling further lets take a glance at bitcoin’s creator. The person who authored bitcoins white paper and successfully deployed bitcoins first blockchain is known only by one name, Satoshi Nakamoto. This unknown person or group has seemingly since then vanished into the crowd, leaving behind a legacy of mystery. He is seen as a leader to the countless and faithful around the world, those who can follow Satoshi’s vision and design. The lore behind this mystery and the man will likely live on as most legends do. With his vision, the world has found endless potential in blockchain technologies and they have all developed well beyond initial expectations. Understanding the many uses of blockchain technologies sharpens our worlds perception of the future electronic currencies and digital archiving solutions.
Related Terms
A blockchain is simply an archive of digital records. Every new individual block in the chain has a record of the previous block, a timestamp, and serves the purpose of recording new data entered into the system. The blocks and data are linked together via cryptography. The term cryptography refers to using encryption to store data safely in the face of adversaries. Thenceforth blockchains are securely managed by distributed ledgers. A distributed ledger is a computerized ledger that manages transactions throughout the blockchain. Is is true that accounting ledgers have been widely used throughout history, only recently new advancements in computing have allowed electronic ledgers to be distributed throughout the world via node networking systems. Each node independently records data and then votes to ensure the majority of nodes on that network agrees on the results. This verifies that all information is correct and the database is then updated. Multiple nodes operating around the world creates a world wide node network system.
How To Buy and Store Bitcoin
Storing bitcoin anywhere other than an exchange requires downloading a bitcoin wallet on your device. With this wallet you can send bitcoin to a receiving address for storage. For every new wallet created, a private key and a public key are generated via encryption. The key creation and encryption process is irreversible and secure. A public key is similar to an email address that can be shared with anyone. With your public key you can send and receive bitcoin safely and securely.
Public Key Example: DeXt2ne8pOvrxSme90wapEgdxm3ltomX
A private key is a much longer unique signature that should never shared, stored or revealed to anybody. With this key your funds can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Adding extra security protocols like 2 factor authentication to your accounts is strongly advised. Most cases of theft are caused by a mistake in either of the two aforementioned statements or poor data storage management. For convenience and flexibility you can also store and trade cryptocurrencies on secure trading platforms, by far my favorite and one of the most secure is
Advantages of Bitcoin
Still today the main features of bitcoin are safety, security and speed. Bitcoin may be purchased at multiple exchanges around the world in real time, at your convenience 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. There are no time or border restrictions. Imposing regulations and taxes by governing territories is still currently up for debate, likewise certain countries have placed domestic laws preventing trade on their land. Otherwise, there are no excessive fees related to using bitcoin. Bitcoin, unlike the stock markets or traditional banking systems is built with freedom and flexibility in mind.
If your interested in mining cryptocurrencies instead of directly purchasing them, consider joining a cloud mining site. Use this complementary 3% off promo code to purchase hash power and join us with the worlds most innovative cloud mining company.

A Beginners Guide To Ethereum
If you're new to cryptocurrencies you may be wondering what is Ethereum? What are it's top features and why is Ethereum the leader of alternative coins. Why does Ethereum gather so much interest around the world? Ever since the creation of bitcoin many new blockchain technologies have emerged. In this article we will explore why Ethereum is on the leading edge of the ever growing field that we refer to as cryptocurrencies. One of the brightest aspects of Ethereum’s design is implemented at the very core, it is the simple concept that everyone in the world is invited freely to build applications upon Ethereum's framework.
A Brief History of Ethereum
The entire focus of the Ethereum project is to build a decentralized platform designed to securely run smart contracts. Applications on the Ethereum platform run exactly as programmed without possibilities of downtime, censorship, third party interference or fraud. Ethereum’s blockchain is actually like a court system that specializes in securely resolving any dispute . Originally proposed late in 2013 by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum has found outstanding support via crowdfunding. The Ethereum project went live on July 30, 2015. Shortly after the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) united Today this alliance headlines the best and brightest blockchain developers, tech startups and Fortune 500 companies.
Today this list includes: ConsenSys, CME Group, Cornell University, Toyota Research Group, Samsung, Microsoft, Intel, J.P. Morgan, Cooley LLP, Merck KGaA, DTCC, Deloitte, Accenture, BNY, Mastercard and Cisco Systems. This impressive line up represents the world’s largest interest of business to business cryptocurrency development.
As a brilliant idea of a Vitalik Buterin and his team of developers, Ethereum was conceptualized and built from the ground up. As a young man Vitalik showed strong capacities for understanding mathematics and programming. One day, he had the idea to create a custom blockchains that would boast a powerfully shared global infrastructure. Ethereum crypto economics is built and founded upon theories of strong cryptography and privacy. Security of consensus protocols do not depend on any one person, rather they depend on mathematical proofs and systematic designs. A special thank you should be given to all who helped and funded along the way.
A Short Glossary of Ethereum Terms for Beginners
This introduction is designed to give readers a more in-depth understanding of the terms related to Ethereum and cryptocurrencies. Simply put, we must understand that a blockchain is a public ledger of cryptocurrency transactions. Ethereum is essentially a custom built blockchain that enables smart contract use. A smart contract is an enhanced computer protocol designed to verify and enforce performance. A consensus protocol refers to a defined protocol for solving consensus problems in a distributed network. Ethereum features enhance security at the core of the platform via cryptography. The term Cryptography refers to the specialized act of creating secure communications in the presence of adversaries.
How Do I Buy Ethereum?
Storing Ethereum anywhere other than an exchange requires downloading a Ethereum wallet. With your wallet you can send Ethereum to and from a public key. For every new wallet created a private key and a public key are generated via encryption. The key creation and encryption process are irreversible and secure. A public key is similar to an email address that can be shared with anyone. With your public key, you can send and receive Ethereum safely and securely.
Public Key Example: 0x0074709077B8AE5a245E4ED161C971Dc4c3C8E2B
A private key is a much longer unique signature that should never shared or revealed to anybody. With this key your funds can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Adding extra security protocols like 2 factor authentication to your accounts is always a good idea. Most cases of theft are caused by a mistake in either of the two aforementioned statements.
Best Features of Ethereum
Currently Ethereum holds the largest volume of pre-established applications running smart contracts. These applications are built to function solely on Ethereum smart contract scripting, they provide the largest total volume of business to business applications worldwide. No other alternative coins to date offer the same comparative strengths and proven history of success. Ethereum currently boasts a slightly faster transaction processing speed per second than Bitcoin. Ethereum comes with a clear vision statement and is designed from the ground up to support secure crypto economics. The Ethereum platform still has room for many new fields of development beyond just digital currencies on it’s secure global infrastructure, these fields of future developments include smart data registries, identity archive capabilities, digital data archiving of all kinds and large scale project management. Currently grant opportunities are still available for developers and scripters with bright ideas for potential use of Ethereum networks.
Cryptocurrencies right now are revolutionizing the way we think about traditional banking systems by stabilizing and simplifying the movement of money throughout the world securely, at a much lesser expense. Thousands of cryptocurrencies are available for you to trade right now. Live digital cryptocurrency exchanges can be done on trading platforms like Bittrex.
Cryptocurrencies right now are revolutionizing the way we think about traditional banking systems by stabilizing and simplifying the movement of money fluently and securely, at a much lesser expense. Thousands of cryptocurrencies are available for you to trade right now. Live digital cryptocurrency exchanges can be done on trading platforms like
If your interested in mining cryptocurrencies instead of directly purchasing them, consider joining a cloud mining site. Use this complementary 3% off promo code to purchase hash power and join us with the worlds most innovative cloud mining company.

Everything About Blockchain Technologies
What Is A Blockchain?
A blockchain has the ability to store large volumes of new and related data, new entries create the evolution of the chain itself. Many blockchain projects have at the very least a few things in common; each should have a distributed ledger for managing the blockchain, a finite or limited supply of tokens and coins, and they also will operate on programming capable of hosting transactions.
Once new information has been verified and added to the chain it is permanent unless all nodes vote to make a change, this make information nearly unalterable and increases security accordingly.
All blockchain information can be accessed by the public. The first genesis block of the bitcoin blockchain was mined by Satoshi Nakamoto on January 3rd, 2009. Stored inside the genesis block was a statement that essentially warned of the instability of traditional fractional reserve banking systems. Since Satoshi’s first successful implementation of blockchain technologies to support and run the bitcoin network, many new developers have appeared with ever evolving ideas for the use of blockchain technologies.
Custom Built Blockchains
Some few years back a very talented young man named Vitalik Buterin had the idea to create a custom blockchain different from any other, this blockchain boasted a fast and powerfully shared global infrastructure with a securely encrypted core that can host many different kinds of business applications.
This custom built blockchain today is known as the Ethereum Network, it has evolved into one of the most successfully applied custom blockchains to date.
Ethereum provides support to the largest volume and variety of B2B applications. One of their strongest theories is that a good blockchain application should always be run by a decentralized network that contains shared memory functions and top notch security. Ethereum cryptocurrency economics are founded upon strong cryptography, ensuring privacy and the safety of all users on their network.
Ethereum has a secure base layer and a high speed protocols that allow people to develop and build real time applications for data storage, currency transfers and archiving. At the heart of the design is a security of consensus protocol: this protocol does not depend on any one person, instead it depends on mathematical proofs and systematic design.
A Blockchain is a digital archive of records. Every new individual block in the chain has a record of the previous block, a timestamp, and new data entries moving into the chain. The blocks and data are linked together by cryptography. The term Cryptography refers to using encryption to store data safely in the face of adversaries. Blockchains are securely managed by distributed ledgers. A distributed ledger is essentially a computerized ledger that manages transactions for the blockchain.
Accounting ledgers have been widely used throughout history, more recently new advancements in computing allow electronic ledgers to be distributed throughout the world on node network systems. Each node independently records data and then votes to ensure the majority of nodes that network agree on the results. This verifies that all information is correct and the database will then be updated. Multiple nodes operating running together creates a world wide node networking system.
What's next For Blockchain Technologies?
As different information and archiving needs come into light we will continue to see ever evolving fields of blockchain functionalities emerge. It should be noted that blockchains can improve almost every active database system publicly used in the world simply because they can link changing information in real time. There is no need to wait two days for large databases to update or process information as it's entered, blockchains eliminate delays by instantly storing information throughout distributed networks. All information is then publicly available on the internet. Continuing blockchain technologies will see better transparency and use of applications.
Biased opinions of currency misuse via blockchain technologies and electronic currencies are not so far different than that banknote currencies like U.S. Dollars which can be easily used in a drug trades or illegal activities, electronic currencies can actually be designed to deter currency misuse.
Database Solutions
Communication issues related to billing, food safety, identity, and more may leave citizens behind in real world events whereas blockchain technologies may offer real time communications solutions for databases. We may one day see identity and safety databases that run on blockchain technologies. Blockchains offer less expensive and faster digital currency transfers securely while presenting prime data archiving solutions in real world time. It's obvious the amount of un-used potential is expanding for blockchain related industries for the future.

The Future of Blockchain Technologies
VMware is on the leading edge of future blockchain revolutions as they recently disclosed information that they are working on several projects related to cutting edge cloud computing, artificial intelligences and enterprise blockchain solutions. We hope this info will help you have a great experience when learning about cryptocurrencies.
If your interested in mining cryptocurrencies instead of directly purchasing them, consider joining a cloud mining site. Use this complementary 3% off promo code to purchase hash power and join us with the worlds most innovative cloud mining company.
Supply Chains
Miners and Power Units
Cooling Systems

From there Genesis has reimagined what the perfect mining solution would look like and finally after thousands of man hours, the solution is ready. Genesis Mining Centers are now located in Iceland and Sweden. They are designed from the ground up to harness natural energy and cooling power via geothermal and hydroelectric energy. These mining centers are designed with airflow management that empowers thermal dynamics as efficient air cooling systems for their data processing centers.
How Does This Benefit Genesis Customers?
On average the basic costs of mining equipment and use are cut in half, allowing more profitability and payouts than previous crypto contracts from genesis and most other competing providers. This puts Genesis with a strong leading edge above other providers to deliver better results over the new 5 year contract terms.
Coinbase Introduces Immediate Trading and
Higher Default Limits

Coinbase is rolling out an update that will let you immediately trade cryptocurrency that you’ve purchased on or the Coinbase app. Now you’ll be able to immediately sell funds to hold in your USD wallet or to purchase cryptocurrency on Coinbase. While purchases and transfers from your bank will be immediately available for trade on Coinbase, they will continue to hold an amount equivalent to your purchase for a period of time disclosed on the purchase screen before you can withdraw or send the funds from Coinbase.
Join Coinbase Today
Python for Linux
Welcome! Are you completely new to programming? If not then you will be looking for information about why and how to get started with Python. Fortunately an experienced programmer in any programming language (whatever it may be) can pick up Python very quickly. It's also easy for beginners to use and learn, so jump in!
Python is an extremely flexible programming language that is compatible with almost every other language, it can be used in addition or to wrap around other coding. If there are certain features you might want to use that are not available on your distro’s package. You can easily compile the latest version of Python from source. In the event that Python doesn’t come pre-installed and isn’t in the repositories as well, you can easily make packages for your own distro.
Installing Python is generally easy, and nowadays many Linux and UNIX distributions include a recent Python. Even some Windows computers (notably those from HP) now come with Python already installed. If you do need to install Python and aren't confident about the task you can find a few notes on the BeginnersGuide/Download wiki page
Before getting started, you may want to find out which IDEs and text editors are tailored to make Python editing easy, browse the list of introductory books, or look at code samples that you might find helpful. There is a list of tutorials suitable for experienced programmers on the BeginnersGuide/Tutorials page. There is also a list of resources in other languages which might be useful if English is not your first language.
The online documentation is your first port of call for definitive information. There is a fairly brief tutorial that gives you basic information about the language and gets you started. You can follow this by looking at the library reference for a full description of Python's many libraries and the language reference for a complete (though somewhat dry) explanation of Python's syntax. If you are looking for common Python recipes and patterns, you can browse the ActiveState Python Cookbook
Best Python Features
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