Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Solutions - Possibles - To Many Top Unsolved Physics Problems

A start on programming Moving Dynamics For J2000 Star System Explorer: /** * Revision History * - JC - Description * */ import java.util.Scanner; import java.lang.Math; import starexplorer.StellarBody; /** * * @author night */ public class movingDynamics extends Stars { /* public class MovingDynamics extends Stars { */ private String name; private String color; private String _type; private double _age; private double _radius; private double _mass; private double _gravity; private double _density; private double _temperature; private double _time; private double eSpace; private double eMatter; private double eTime; private double velocity; private double G = 6.673e-11; /** * * @param name * @param color * @param type * @param age * @param radius * @param mass * @param gravity * @param density * @param temperature */ public movingDynamics(String name, String color, String type, double age, double radius, double mass, double gravity, double density, double temperature) { super(name, color, type, age, radius, mass, gravity, density, temperature); /* public getVelocity(double distance, double time){ } public nextonionGravity(double mass, double radius){ double G = 6.672.Math.exp(-11); double force = G * mass } public checkGravityCalc(double mass, double radius, ){ double G = 6.672.Math.exp(-11); double M_Sol = 5.98e24; double M_Star = mass; double distCenter = radius * 2; double accellerationOfGravity = (G * M) / (distCenter * 2); double } public checkGravity(double mass, double radius,) double G = 6.672.Math.exp(-11); */ } /** * testing method for this unit * @param period length of time for planet to orbit sun in days * @param mass estimated mass of star * @param orbitalDistance is the number of astronomical units away from star * @param rate is the rate of time since big bang * @param time is the variable to move time back or forward in this eaquation * by implementing rate, you can leave time out of the equation to only view the present * * */ public lengthOfDay(double period, double mass, double orbitalDistance) { int eXponant = 1; int eXponant1 = 2; double P = period; double M = mass; double G = 6.673e-11; double AU = orbitalDistance; double rate = 1/13.4; double time = 10**9; //( +T lookback, -T lookforward ) average lifespan of star //au = 149.6 * Math.pow(10,11); //(m) if(AU < 1){ AU = AU * 0.1; eXponant += 1; } //determine period in seconds //ePeriod = 3.65 * Math.pow(10,7); if(period < 100){ period = period * 0.01; eXponant1 = 5; } else if(period > 100){ period = period * 0.1; eXponant1 += 1; } seconds = (period * Math.pow(10,2)/1) * (2.4*Math.pow(10,1)/1) * (3.6*Math.pow(10,3)/1); seconds = seconds * 0.1; //solarMass = mass * Math.pow(10,30); //(kg) solarMassAccuracy = mass * Math.pow(10,30) / ;//(kg) //M_Sol = (4(3.14)Math.exp(2)*(orbitalDistance*Math.exp(11))Math.exp(3)) / G * (period.Math.exp(7)).Math.exp(2); Mass_PointStar = (39.438)(AU)Math.exp(3)/ * (orbitalDistance * Math.exp(11))Math.exp(3))/G * (period.Math.exp(7)).Math.exp(2); //Sol = 2 * //period //mass //au //testing x = 8.8 * Math.pow(10,1); print(x); } } /** * testing method for this unit * * @param energeticDensity command line arguments set Super * - the first argument is the the local energetic density of space at a point or sphere * - argument is the data file name and the second is the partial planet name, * - Energy simply resides in different states and places, and propagates space time, Jennifer Connors. * * @param pi can be variable based on local energy constants * 3 * 3.14 * 1^5 local energy content per Vera Rubin, Jennifer Connors. * cases dissapear in static fields, power going where, energy lost in static fields Albert Einstein * * * @param noether energy fields enhance time = space and momentum determine time; * * @param einstein forces factor combine general relativity with actual energetic density of space to derive unified theory * solved einstein's riddle to explain how gravity works with general relativity * * * * @param Time = -Speed + Space * ((piVal*3)*1^5) - T = e * (v/c^2); * double T = -e * (v/c^2) + ((piVal*3)*1^5); * * @param double T = -e * (v/c^2) + ((piVal*3)*1^5); // time dilation first guess * * @param G = (Energy of Space + Energy of matter / Gravitational Potential in matter) / Sphere or Point Source Rate * Time * * * @param balanceRatios is a variable based on * M a/b = A m/b ex: 4 3/5 = 3 4/5 == 2.4 = 2.4 == 4 * .6 = 3 * .8 etc *@param unifiedTheory is the flow of energy based on * * * *@param timeConstant something simple like the most average star with the most average life cycle * 10**9 *@param darkMatter denser mass/energy spheres cause enhanced gravity * = amplified gravity in the past created stronger spacial distortions * * * * * */ public warpDrive(double amplifiedG){ double energeticValueOfSpace; double amplifiedG; double eXponant =1; double piVal = 3.14159 * energeticDensity; double piVal = 3.14159 Math.exp(eXponant); double checkSpacePi = T + e * (v/c^2); //Space - Time = Speed (JC, Noether, A. E.) ((piVal*3)*1^5) - T = e * (v/c^2); double T = -e * (v/c^2) + ((piVal*3)*1^5); // M a/b = A m/b ex: 4 3/5 = 3 4/5 == 2.4 = 2.4 == 4 * .6 = 3 * .8 etc Four fundamentals: energy determines space, space and momentum determine time, energy and space determine gravity. (JC and Einstein) } public balanceRatios(double M, double A, double B){ M A/B = A M/b //ex: 4 3/5 = 3 4/5 == 2.4 = 2.4 == 4 * .6 = 3 * .8 etc } public lorentzTimeDialation(double T, double velocity){ this.T = T; this.velocity = velocity; double lspeed = 186000; double deltaT = T / 1 -((velocity.Math.exp(2) / lspeed.Math.exp(2)) // math.sqrt //Math.exp() Math.pow() } public timeDilation(double T){ (energy fields enhance time) = space and momentum determine time; //Time = Speed + Space double T = -e * (v/c^2) + ((piVal*3)*1^5); double TimeDialation = T; } public timeAccuracy(double time, double timeForward, double timeBackwards){ time = 0; } public universalTimeConstant(){ //(Time is relative) // UTC based on something simple like the most average star with the most average life cycle. UTC = 1**9; } public darkMatter(){ //ie amplified gravity over time //denser mass/energy spheres cause enhanced gravity) = amplified gravity in the past created stronger spacial distortions } public darkEnergy(){ } public universalExpansion(){ universal expansion (a lack of mass/energy over space fields) = spherical expansion of energy expansion of spherical light energy/mass E = (Energy of Space + Energy of matter / Gravitational Potential in matter) / Sphere or Point Source Rate * Time } public SphereVolumeCalculator(double radius){ double piVal = 3.14159; double sphereRadius; double sphereVolume = piVal * (sphereRadius * 3) * (4.0/3.0); } /** * * @author night */ public class Sphere double piVal = 3.14159; double sphereRadius; double sphereVolume = piVal * (sphereRadius * 3) * (4.0/3.0); } public class Sphere double piVal = 3.14159; double sphereRadius; double sphereVolume = piVal * (sphereRadius * 3) * (4.0/3.0); } public class Sphere (double radius){ //this._radius = radius; double surfaceArea = 4 * piVal * radius * 2; double volume = 4.0 / 3.0 * piVal * radius * * 3; } public class modifyTime(doubleeTime){ double time = 10 ** 9; //( +T lookback, -T lookforward ) } public unifiedTheory(){ unified theory (how general relativity "gravity" and quantum mechanics relate) = without energy gravity, space, mass and time do not exist } public G(){ G = (Espace + Ematter/Em^2) / (4/3 piVal C^3) * R * T G = (Energy of Space + Energy of matter / Gravitational Potential in matter) / Sphere or Point Source Rate * Time } public class GravityCalculation { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; double G = 6.673e-11; double M = 5.98e24; double accelGravity; double distCenter; distCenter = scnr.nextDouble(); accelGravity = (G * M) / (distCenter * distCenter); System.out.println(accelGravity); } } public class amplifiedGravity(double eSpace, double eMatter, double eTime){ // cases dissapear in static fields, power going where, energy lost in static field A.E. double rate = eTime / 13.4; double time = 10 ** 9; //( +T lookback, -T lookforward ) double Speed = 186000; double dm = .000186; double gravity = ((eSpace + eMatter / lSpeed) / ((4 / 3 piVal)(lSpeed * * 3))) rate * time; return amplifiedG; } public getVelocity(double distance, double time){ } public String getName() { return _name; } public String getColor() { return _color; } public String getType() { return _type; } public double getAge() { return _age; } /** * * @return */ public double getRadius() { return _radius; } /** * * @return */ public double getMass() { return _mass; } public double getGravity() { return _gravity; } /** * * @return */ public double getDensity() { return _density; } public double temperature() { return _temperature; } // conservation of energy related to uniformity of space and time // do low energy speres all0w for easier expansion of space /* E^1 + E^1 = E^2 E^0 = Empty Space E^1 = Energy in Space E^2 = Energy in Matter E^3 = Energy in Amplified Gravity E^4 = Energy in Galactic Cores */ //math.sqrt //Math.exp() Math.pow() *=

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