Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Energy Fields, Space, Time, Energy and Mass All Related
Do high energy fields factor the gravitational force, or thenforth the force of a field in spacetime?
The Universal Element: Energy Is Just The Beginning
Taken by the Hubble Space Telescope this image on the right is of galaxy cluster Abell 1063.
In the constellation of Grus, Abell 1063 lies about 4 billion light-years away from Earth.
Inside the cluster you can see many galaxies and distant lights moving from the background.
Galaxies that are very far away are still visible because the enormous mass of the foreground galaxy cluster, Abell 1063 is so large that it actually bends spacetime and light waves as they pass by.
This beautiful galaxy cluster has such heavy gravitational distortion that it may actually mirror images of many objects in and around it. These distant galaxies have been spied by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope.
This high energy galaxy cluster creates a magnifying glass known as a gravitational lensing event. These events in spacetime make it possible for Hubble to see very distant galaxies, as foreseen by Albert Einstein many years ago.
What Is A Gravitational Lense ?
A Gravitational Lense is an event that can be seen in spacetime usually caused by matter distributions between a distant light sources and us the observers.
A Lensing event is capable of bending light as it travels from the source to the observer.
Albert Einstein and the above Fritz Zwicky predicted that these types of lensing events could allow galaxy clusters and high gravity fields to act as gravitational lenses. Neither theorist was confirmed until in 1979 when the bending of light was found to be true by observing the "Twin QSO" SBS 0957+561
As light travels throughout space it may pass in close proximity to a heavy matter and energy field like this galaxy cluster, when this happens the lights path is bent or magnified in respect of path through the gravity field. This allows us to see very distant objects that are behind or near the gravity lense.
Results and the amount of light bending is always exactly as predicted by Einstein 100 years ago in his general theory of relativity. Relativity and special relativity are revised versions of classical physics that depict what we see throughout time and space. Classical physics would have predicted to see less bending of light. Originally Einstein had made unprinted calculations in 1912 and over a decade later Orest Khovolson and Frantisek Link first to began to writing about the subject. Many years later in 1936 Albert Einstein published his most famous articles on the deviation of light throughout space time.
Gravitational lensing events can be visible distortions like Einstein rings, arcs, and other like images.
A weak lensing event is caused when the background sources are much smaller and detected by further analysis of several sets of data.
Scientists can learn more about these smaller events by analyzing larger amounts of data in a statistical applications.
A weak lensing event is caused when the background sources are much smaller and detected by further analysis of several sets of data.
Scientists can learn more about these smaller events by analyzing larger amounts of data in a statistical applications.
Bending of light is generally perpendicular to the center of the mass causing the lensing event.
The intensity of lensing fields can be averaged to estimate the strengths of gravity in these fields. Surveys are done across large numbers of galaxies.
Attempts to estimate and understand inequalities in galactic gravitational estimations has brought abought the idea of something called dark matter, over 20 years of searching for dark matter is unsuccessful. If it were to exist detecting it is not an easy task, in theory dark would be lacking energy and everything existing that we know of is made with energy. Which is why dark matter being the entire answer to our gravitational inequalities seems an unlikely suspect to me. Moreover, if dark matter could be conceived as a missing part of our current gravitational equations or estimations.
A recheck in calculations and thought process behind the estimations of galactic and spacetime gravitational masses of magnitude are due.
Gravitational Lensing is the bending of light from a distant source by a massive object like a Galaxy Cluster in front of it. The spacetime around massive objects is curved as predicted by Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. Gravitational lenses can be used to see very far off and distant galaxies throughout space time.
Forces factor, enhanced high energy gravitational fields would potentially amplify gravitational forces when coupled with the gravitational mass of magnitude of the objects in field; this effect may be exponentially stronger in dense galaxy clusters.
Einstein was also highly aware of that fact that energetic forces factor; this was shown by his most famous notation E=MC2 a mathematical expression equating energy transfers through particle creation.
I would think that space is a fundamental element of our universe as a whole, it's properties are adherent to local energy levels and states.
Stellar implosions and star core collapses of super-massive stars create special negative energy fields seen as a spatial distortion in space time, these are known as black holes and super massive galactic cores.
There could be several things amiss among estimations of mass and energy distributions, energy field densities and gravitational estimates for; star clusters, galaxy clusters and galactic cores.
By searching for dark matter we continue to look for something that cannot be seen, and to me seems more like a mathematical inequality.
By searching for dark matter we continue to look for something that cannot be seen, and to me seems more like a mathematical inequality.
Currently scientists attempt to reconstruct mass distributions in galaxies; and every time they come up short when comparing mass seen to what they estimate to be needed for gravitational equilibrium to exist. So, we do have a mystery on our hands. If we were to ask how does this relate to energy, would we find anything new?
Denser galaxy clusters can bend light for more than several arc minutes. In most cases of light bending or amplification the galaxies and light sources are very far away from our very own Milky Way Galaxy.
Gravitational Lensing is the bending of light from a distant source by a massive object like a Galaxy Cluster in front of it. The spacetime around massive objects is curved as predicted by Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity. Gravitational lenses can be used to see very far off and distant galaxies throughout space time.

Forces factor, enhanced high energy gravitational fields would potentially amplify gravitational forces when coupled with the gravitational mass of magnitude of the objects in field; this effect may be exponentially stronger in dense galaxy clusters.
Einstein was also highly aware of that fact that energetic forces factor; this was shown by his most famous notation E=MC2 a mathematical expression equating energy transfers through particle creation.
Do high energy fields factor gravitational strength of a field? Could this mirror the effect of the missing substance we call dark matter or somehow relate to it?
What if dark matter is really the effect of energetically enhanced gravitational fields? What if dark matter estimations are close to the energy density distributions in the field?
Measurements of energy densities in spherical fields are needed as well as further studies of gravitational averages of energy spheres over time.
If a dense matter and energy field were calculated in symmetry we may find that it's possible for amplified gravitational effects to exist, they could actually influence space-time. Could both the root of dark matter problem and energetic gravity fields equate to how slow or fast time moves in a given gravity field locally? Yes, it's very possible.
Also if a super dense mass and energy field alters the fundamental properties of space and time only locally, it would certainly appear to us as a gravity field visually in space time.
Einstein was highly aware of that fact that energetic forces factor shown by his most famous notation E=MC2; a mathematical expression relating the total energy of an object to the mass energy in equivalence.. i.e. he did this by rooting the equation to particle creation energy transfers during photon collisions.
The beauty of Einstein's theories actually reaches back to 1905 when Albert purposed his special theory of relativity to reconcile the laws of electromagnetic radiation along with the physics of moving bodies by Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei.
In Special relativity the speed of light is always the same, independent to the motion of the observer.
Special relativity also implies that space and time are intertwined in ways never before imagined.
Extensive quantities of energy are housed and released by super-massive stars throughout their lifetimes, upon death and these stars expand and contract into a death spiral leaving energetic disturbances behind them in space time.
Energy released and spatial disruptions should be taken in a field to help account for total energetic forces aside from the gravitational force of objects to gain local estimates.
Stellar implosions and core collapses of super-massive stars create special fields in space time known as black holes and super massive galactic cores. A single galaxy alone would not suffice for the needed mass distributions to cause a strong lensing event or a high energy field, gravitational lensing events are seen in galactic clusters in space.
Continued galactic, star, energy and mass surveys along with further analysis are important to gather information needed to gain constraints on the cosmological parameters of our universe and to better understand of universal expansion.
Microlensing can be used when there is no distortion in the shape of an object seen behind the lens,
while only the amount of light is amplified. Lensing objects can be stars in the Milky Way with the background light source being a distant galaxy. Most events are generally small in numerological analysis, the light deviation caused by a mass field 100 billion times our sun causes only a deviation of only a few arc seconds.
Gravitational lenses act equally on all kinds of electromagnetic radiation, not just visible light. Weak lensing effects are being studied for the cosmic microwave background as well as galaxy surveys. Strong lenses have been observed in radio and x-ray regimes as well. If a strong lens produces multiple images, there will be a relative time delay between two paths: that is, in one image the lensed object will be observed before the other image.
Denser galaxy clusters can produce the bending of light for more than several arc minutes. In most cases the galaxies and light sources are very far away from our very own Milky Way Galaxy.
As humans we see naturally in visible red and blue light waves emitted by stars like our sun. When we see white light we are actually seeing all the colors of light mixed together as a pure white light.
Shorter blue light-waves scatter easier than longer red light-waves, which is why we see blue sky in the day and red sky at night.
Our sun is roughly 5778 kelvins it is a near perfect sphere of hot plasma, in addition internal convective motions create powerful magnetic fields that are thousands of time stronger that any gravitational field.
Stars emit radiation in many electromagnetic wave-lengths, interestingly enough all kinds of electromagnetic wavelength radiations are effected by high mass and energy fields i.e. gravitational fields and lensing events in spacetime effect more than just visible light. Everything locally is affected by gravity fields; mass, space and time.
A galaxy cluster is a group of sometimes up to thousands of galaxies bound together by gravity and energy. Several galaxy clusters together can form a supercluster.
In General Relativity light follows the curvature of spacetime, when light passes around a massive object it is bent following the path it traveled in spacetime.
The light from an object on the other side will be bent towards an observer's eye, just like an ordinary lens. In General Relativity the speed of light depends on the gravitational potential (aka the metric) and this bending can be viewed as a consequence of the light traveling along a gradient in light speed. Light rays are the boundary between the future, the spacelike, and the past regions. Gravitational attraction can be viewed as the motion of undisturbed objects in a background that possesses curved geometry or alternatively as the response of objects to a force in a flat geometry. The angle of deflection is:
toward the mass M at a distance r from the affected radiation, where G is the universal constant of gravitation and c is the speed of light in a vacuum. This formula is identical to the formula for weak gravitational lensing derived using relativistic Newtonian dynamics without curving spacetime.
Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
Credit: NASA/Hubble
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TO be added:
Amplified Energy Field Equations
Universal Expansion Equations
Dark Energy
Dark Matter
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