Star Rover
Platform: Android IOS
Star Rover is a complete star gazing guide where you can tour galaxies, star groups and more simply by pointing your phone towards the sky. Star Rover helps you identify Nebulas, Constellations, Planets, Stars, Moons and More.
Star & Planet Finder
Platform: IOS
You can use the Star and Planet Finder App on your iPhone by choosing a planet or star from the directory. Then point your phone towards the night sky and follow the cursor. This will lead you towards your desired destination in the night sky!
Cosmic Watch: Time and Space
Platform: IOS / Android
This app is a 3D planetarium allowing you to study stars, constellations and our solar system. The app comes with a stopwatch allowing you to move those the cosmos forwards and backwards though time to study the location of objects. This app offers separate modes to view our solar system and more.

ISS Detector
Platform: Android
This App easily assists you in locating the International Space Station and can alert you when it's flying above as well. It's also capable of tracking SpaceX's Starlink Satellites and The Hubble Space Telescope.

Platform: IOS
This App stores valuable information on over 2.5 million stars, nebulas, white dwarfs and gravitational lenses like abell galaxy clusters. It offers the informational library and latest space & astronomy news conveniently on your phone. It catalogues 500,000 asteroids and you can use the tonight app to see what is in your neighborhood.

Pocket Universe
Platform: IOS
A great App for beginners because it will teach you the names of the constellations, brightest stars, planets and about the universe in general. It has a built in compass and with your iPhone or iPad Pocket Universe will display the stars and planets in your night sky. It also have fun quizzes for learners.
SkEye | Astronomy
Platform: Android
This App will also help familiarize you with what your looking at in the night sky tonight. Perfect for amateaur astronomers and students this apps best feature is easy navigation to see events in the present, pas and future night sky.

Deluxe Moon HD
Platform: IOS
The Deluxe Moon HD App is high quality with beautifully designed ingenuity, organization, and top notch information about our moon. Combing traditional Lunar maps with today's technology Deluxe Moon HD offers incredible graphics, moons phases and timings and information about moon and solar eclipse events.

Platform: IOS / Android
On SkySafari you can simulate the night sky from any viewpoint on earth at present, past or future events. It offers Hubble telescope databases and you can see high quality images of our solar systems planets, moons, meteor showers and more.
Sky Map
Platform: Android
Google's original Sky Map App uses data from your GPS to identify cosmic attractions in your neighborhood. User's simply point their device towards the night sky to be navigated to their destination.
Solar Walk
Platform: IOS / Android
This app in an interactive space encyclopedia providing 3D models of our solar system and it's details. Solar Walk is easy to navigate as you travel throughout the universe to view stars, planets, asteroids, and comets in high resolution detail.

DSO Planner Plus
Platform: Android
This App is more advanced and able to assist you in locating deep sky objects from databases like: USNO, Tycho-2, DSS and more. It identifies over 700 comets and much more.
Platform: IOS

SkyView can locate many different objects in space and offers valuable information on stars, constellations, telescopes, the international space station and how they travel the universe.

Platform: IOS / Android
If your a space exploration fan, astronomy enthusiast or even just interesting in learning more about what NASA does, this App is made for you. It will help you keep in touch with NASA's wealth of high quality images taken in space, current missions and streaming of live events.
Stars Chart
Platform: IOS / Android
If you love watching the night skies or your looking to discover something new about the universe today this App is amazing. It offers GPS technology, a virtual 3D universe and can locate major stars and planets that can be seen from planet earth. Stars Chart includes the Messier catalogue and allows you to move through time to see how our beautiful universe evolves over time. If you love stargazing this is a must have.

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