Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Solutions - Possibles - To Many Top Unsolved Physics Problems

A start on programming Moving Dynamics For J2000 Star System Explorer: /** * Revision History * - JC - Description * */ import java.util.Scanner; import java.lang.Math; import starexplorer.StellarBody; /** * * @author night */ public class movingDynamics extends Stars { /* public class MovingDynamics extends Stars { */ private String name; private String color; private String _type; private double _age; private double _radius; private double _mass; private double _gravity; private double _density; private double _temperature; private double _time; private double eSpace; private double eMatter; private double eTime; private double velocity; private double G = 6.673e-11; /** * * @param name * @param color * @param type * @param age * @param radius * @param mass * @param gravity * @param density * @param temperature */ public movingDynamics(String name, String color, String type, double age, double radius, double mass, double gravity, double density, double temperature) { super(name, color, type, age, radius, mass, gravity, density, temperature); /* public getVelocity(double distance, double time){ } public nextonionGravity(double mass, double radius){ double G = 6.672.Math.exp(-11); double force = G * mass } public checkGravityCalc(double mass, double radius, ){ double G = 6.672.Math.exp(-11); double M_Sol = 5.98e24; double M_Star = mass; double distCenter = radius * 2; double accellerationOfGravity = (G * M) / (distCenter * 2); double } public checkGravity(double mass, double radius,) double G = 6.672.Math.exp(-11); */ } /** * testing method for this unit * @param period length of time for planet to orbit sun in days * @param mass estimated mass of star * @param orbitalDistance is the number of astronomical units away from star * @param rate is the rate of time since big bang * @param time is the variable to move time back or forward in this eaquation * by implementing rate, you can leave time out of the equation to only view the present * * */ public lengthOfDay(double period, double mass, double orbitalDistance) { int eXponant = 1; int eXponant1 = 2; double P = period; double M = mass; double G = 6.673e-11; double AU = orbitalDistance; double rate = 1/13.4; double time = 10**9; //( +T lookback, -T lookforward ) average lifespan of star //au = 149.6 * Math.pow(10,11); //(m) if(AU < 1){ AU = AU * 0.1; eXponant += 1; } //determine period in seconds //ePeriod = 3.65 * Math.pow(10,7); if(period < 100){ period = period * 0.01; eXponant1 = 5; } else if(period > 100){ period = period * 0.1; eXponant1 += 1; } seconds = (period * Math.pow(10,2)/1) * (2.4*Math.pow(10,1)/1) * (3.6*Math.pow(10,3)/1); seconds = seconds * 0.1; //solarMass = mass * Math.pow(10,30); //(kg) solarMassAccuracy = mass * Math.pow(10,30) / ;//(kg) //M_Sol = (4(3.14)Math.exp(2)*(orbitalDistance*Math.exp(11))Math.exp(3)) / G * (period.Math.exp(7)).Math.exp(2); Mass_PointStar = (39.438)(AU)Math.exp(3)/ * (orbitalDistance * Math.exp(11))Math.exp(3))/G * (period.Math.exp(7)).Math.exp(2); //Sol = 2 * //period //mass //au //testing x = 8.8 * Math.pow(10,1); print(x); } } /** * testing method for this unit * * @param energeticDensity command line arguments set Super * - the first argument is the the local energetic density of space at a point or sphere * - argument is the data file name and the second is the partial planet name, * - Energy simply resides in different states and places, and propagates space time, Jennifer Connors. * * @param pi can be variable based on local energy constants * 3 * 3.14 * 1^5 local energy content per Vera Rubin, Jennifer Connors. * cases dissapear in static fields, power going where, energy lost in static fields Albert Einstein * * * @param noether energy fields enhance time = space and momentum determine time; * * @param einstein forces factor combine general relativity with actual energetic density of space to derive unified theory * solved einstein's riddle to explain how gravity works with general relativity * * * * @param Time = -Speed + Space * ((piVal*3)*1^5) - T = e * (v/c^2); * double T = -e * (v/c^2) + ((piVal*3)*1^5); * * @param double T = -e * (v/c^2) + ((piVal*3)*1^5); // time dilation first guess * * @param G = (Energy of Space + Energy of matter / Gravitational Potential in matter) / Sphere or Point Source Rate * Time * * * @param balanceRatios is a variable based on * M a/b = A m/b ex: 4 3/5 = 3 4/5 == 2.4 = 2.4 == 4 * .6 = 3 * .8 etc *@param unifiedTheory is the flow of energy based on * * * *@param timeConstant something simple like the most average star with the most average life cycle * 10**9 *@param darkMatter denser mass/energy spheres cause enhanced gravity * = amplified gravity in the past created stronger spacial distortions * * * * * */ public warpDrive(double amplifiedG){ double energeticValueOfSpace; double amplifiedG; double eXponant =1; double piVal = 3.14159 * energeticDensity; double piVal = 3.14159 Math.exp(eXponant); double checkSpacePi = T + e * (v/c^2); //Space - Time = Speed (JC, Noether, A. E.) ((piVal*3)*1^5) - T = e * (v/c^2); double T = -e * (v/c^2) + ((piVal*3)*1^5); // M a/b = A m/b ex: 4 3/5 = 3 4/5 == 2.4 = 2.4 == 4 * .6 = 3 * .8 etc Four fundamentals: energy determines space, space and momentum determine time, energy and space determine gravity. (JC and Einstein) } public balanceRatios(double M, double A, double B){ M A/B = A M/b //ex: 4 3/5 = 3 4/5 == 2.4 = 2.4 == 4 * .6 = 3 * .8 etc } public lorentzTimeDialation(double T, double velocity){ this.T = T; this.velocity = velocity; double lspeed = 186000; double deltaT = T / 1 -((velocity.Math.exp(2) / lspeed.Math.exp(2)) // math.sqrt //Math.exp() Math.pow() } public timeDilation(double T){ (energy fields enhance time) = space and momentum determine time; //Time = Speed + Space double T = -e * (v/c^2) + ((piVal*3)*1^5); double TimeDialation = T; } public timeAccuracy(double time, double timeForward, double timeBackwards){ time = 0; } public universalTimeConstant(){ //(Time is relative) // UTC based on something simple like the most average star with the most average life cycle. UTC = 1**9; } public darkMatter(){ //ie amplified gravity over time //denser mass/energy spheres cause enhanced gravity) = amplified gravity in the past created stronger spacial distortions } public darkEnergy(){ } public universalExpansion(){ universal expansion (a lack of mass/energy over space fields) = spherical expansion of energy expansion of spherical light energy/mass E = (Energy of Space + Energy of matter / Gravitational Potential in matter) / Sphere or Point Source Rate * Time } public SphereVolumeCalculator(double radius){ double piVal = 3.14159; double sphereRadius; double sphereVolume = piVal * (sphereRadius * 3) * (4.0/3.0); } /** * * @author night */ public class Sphere double piVal = 3.14159; double sphereRadius; double sphereVolume = piVal * (sphereRadius * 3) * (4.0/3.0); } public class Sphere double piVal = 3.14159; double sphereRadius; double sphereVolume = piVal * (sphereRadius * 3) * (4.0/3.0); } public class Sphere (double radius){ //this._radius = radius; double surfaceArea = 4 * piVal * radius * 2; double volume = 4.0 / 3.0 * piVal * radius * * 3; } public class modifyTime(doubleeTime){ double time = 10 ** 9; //( +T lookback, -T lookforward ) } public unifiedTheory(){ unified theory (how general relativity "gravity" and quantum mechanics relate) = without energy gravity, space, mass and time do not exist } public G(){ G = (Espace + Ematter/Em^2) / (4/3 piVal C^3) * R * T G = (Energy of Space + Energy of matter / Gravitational Potential in matter) / Sphere or Point Source Rate * Time } public class GravityCalculation { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; double G = 6.673e-11; double M = 5.98e24; double accelGravity; double distCenter; distCenter = scnr.nextDouble(); accelGravity = (G * M) / (distCenter * distCenter); System.out.println(accelGravity); } } public class amplifiedGravity(double eSpace, double eMatter, double eTime){ // cases dissapear in static fields, power going where, energy lost in static field A.E. double rate = eTime / 13.4; double time = 10 ** 9; //( +T lookback, -T lookforward ) double Speed = 186000; double dm = .000186; double gravity = ((eSpace + eMatter / lSpeed) / ((4 / 3 piVal)(lSpeed * * 3))) rate * time; return amplifiedG; } public getVelocity(double distance, double time){ } public String getName() { return _name; } public String getColor() { return _color; } public String getType() { return _type; } public double getAge() { return _age; } /** * * @return */ public double getRadius() { return _radius; } /** * * @return */ public double getMass() { return _mass; } public double getGravity() { return _gravity; } /** * * @return */ public double getDensity() { return _density; } public double temperature() { return _temperature; } // conservation of energy related to uniformity of space and time // do low energy speres all0w for easier expansion of space /* E^1 + E^1 = E^2 E^0 = Empty Space E^1 = Energy in Space E^2 = Energy in Matter E^3 = Energy in Amplified Gravity E^4 = Energy in Galactic Cores */ //math.sqrt //Math.exp() Math.pow() *=

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Stargazers Could there be 84 million stars in our own Milky Way Galaxy?

Paradise~ Have you ever looked out at the night sky and wondered, how many stars are in the universe? We could start with the question how many stars are in the milky way? Or what the lights the night sky might be made of. Yes there can! I originally took a rough guess of over 84,000 million stars in the milky over a decade ago, and it turns out there could be as many as 400,000 billion stars in the night sky! And on very starry nights, our own milky way galaxy can shine as brighter than 50,000 suns.