
The James Webb Telescope Launches 2021

The James Webb Telescope is also being built to study  the atmospheric compositions of planets. It will also find many new star systems with exoplanets. The James Webb telescope is scheduled to be launched in 2021. The JWST  will be the largest, most powerful, and complex space telescope ever designed and launched into space.

The James Webb telescope's mirror is made of eighteen segments of beryllium coated with gold, combined it will be able to resolve optical resolutions of .1 arc seconds. Its wavelength coverage ranges from 0.6 - 28.5 microns. The telescope is designed to orbit the earth at roughly 150,000 million kilometers and is designed to endure temperatures under 50k or -370 degrees Fahrenheit

The James Webb Telescope's main mission goals are to search for the first galaxies and luminous objects created just after the big bang, study how galaxies evolve into their formation at present, and observe stars that are in the process of forming planets. The James Webb Telescope will also be able to measure the physical and chemical properties of planetary systems; including our own solar system to help us investigate for the footprints of life. Webb will be able to use spectral analysis to detect nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, sulfur, hydrogen and methane that are linked to the support life as we know it.

The James Webb Telescope will be equipped with a Near Infrared Camera ( NIR Cam ), a Near-Infrared Spectrograph ( NIR Spec ), Mid Infrared Instrument 

( MIRI ), Lightweight Optics, Deployable Sunshield, Foldable Segmented Mirror, Improved Detectors and Sensors, Cryogenic Actuators and Mirror Control, and Micro Shutters. Webb will undoubtedly be the most powerful and complex space telescope ever launched into space from earth, it will forever change our understating of the universe.

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Grants (and Scholarships) are money that does not have to be paid back. 
Examples: Pell Grant and SEOG 

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Loans: money you have to pay back later. 

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