Sunday, August 19, 2018

Sign Up With Genesis Cloud Mining

October 14, 2018 by Jen 

Over time Genesis Cloud Mining grows larger and the designs of their new data centers come with newly gained foresight from knowledge gained about cloud mining along the way. Genesis has made new improvements to data center designs that help reduce the need for manual labor, cooling systems, and new ideas to make the overall process more profitable. It took a lot of work to design better performance mining systems and data centers and the genesis team has carefully broken down every component that goes into mining.

Top Data Center Facility Improvements

Radiant is the new technology that makes Genesis the market leader.

Supply Chains - Miners and Power Units - Cooling Systems 

Farm Management Solutions - The Genesis Hive

Genesis Is Located In Sweden & Iceland

Genesis has reimagined what the perfect mining solution would look like and finally after thousands of man hours, the solution is ready. Genesis Mining Centers are now located in Iceland and Sweden. They are designed from the ground up to harness natural energy and cooling power with geothermal and hydroelectric energy. These mining centers are designed with enhanced airflow management powered by thermal dynamics, these systems work for efficient air cooling throughout these new data centers.

What benefits Genesis Customers?

Our findings indicate that the basic costs of mining equipment and use have been significantly reduced by newly designed mining centers. Allowing for more profits and increased payouts to mining customers than previous crypto contracts offered by Genesis  

Genesis is now presenting a very appealing leading edge over other comparative providers to deliver better results and compete in the cloud mining industry. Live digital asset trading can be done on a variety of exchanges, a few of the best are binance, Coinbase or Stex for beginners.

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